GEA Video

Tagged with gea group

February 04, 2021

GEA Food - Enhancing Food Safety Standards

Food safety is essential for food companies; and it is also a top priority for GEA Group. We can provide you solutions that ensure the security of food production plants. Learn more from the GEA...

February 04, 2021

GEA Food-Valves and Components for Industrial Refrigeration

GEA AWP valves and components are an indispensable part in GEA's screw compressor packages and many other refrigeration systems. For more than forty years we have been supplying the cooling...

February 04, 2021

GEA Beverage - VARIFLOW TPS pumps

Did you know that centrifugal pumps are among the key components of a process plant in many industries such as the food, beverage and personal care? To ensure safe, gentle and efficient product...

February 04, 2021

GEA Dairy Processing - Dairy Production Lines: from milk reception to packaging

GEA can provide you customised solutions according to your needs, from milk reception, through processing and pasteurisation, to packaging the final product.